Daily Archives: December 12, 2012

1922: Mining Engineer Cuyler Adams

From a 1922 issue of The American Magazine:



How the Needle of a Compass Pointed the Way to Fortune

The story of Cuyler Adams, who discovered one of the greatest deposits of iron ore in the world. A true romance of business, of science, and of human nature

by Neil M. Clark

As the sidewheel steamer “Keeweenaw” nosed into harbor on one of her infrequent trips to the head of Lake Superior in the year 1870, a lad of eighteen eagerly watched the unfolding of hill and forest behind the little frontier town of Duluth. The lad had fed upon the romances of Fenimore Cooper; and he had been told that a scant hundred miles away, under the shadowing forest of tamarack and spruce, Indians trapped and hunted and fished, much as they had in the times when Cooper had written about them.

The lad’s name was Cuyler Adams. In his pocket was fifty dollars, the gift of his grandfather, and his stake for a fortune. And in the fifty years that have passed since that day, his life has been as full of romance as that of any of the characters created by Cooper.

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